

English Teacher Rick O'Connor brings his broadcasting expertise to Fenwick's students....
RO: 我得了B.A. in Journalism from the University of Rhode Island and a M.A.T. 来自国立路易斯大学.

RO: I was the Executive Producer for "The Steve Cochran Show" on WGN Radio for eight years. Prior to that, I held positions at Fidelity Investments and Putnam Investments in Boston.

RO: When [Basketball] Coach [Staunton] Peck and I are not discussing the Red Sox and White Sox and other world affairs, 我们互相推荐书籍. 目前的建议是 《智人:人类简史 尤瓦尔·诺亚·赫拉利著. 我才刚开始,到目前为止,一切都很顺利!

RO: I enjoy anything outdoors, such as running, camping and mountain hiking. Last summer I hiked in the White Mountains of New Hampshire with my son, 和他分享我的激情是一件很有趣的事. He seemed to like it and certainly had more stamina than I did! 
RO: 作为一名学生 at Bishop Hendricken High School in Warwick, RI, I was a member of the school newspaper. I was fascinated with journalism and the media from a young age, and I still have that passion. 我还参加了越野赛跑和标枪比赛, although my newspaper skills were significantly better than my javelin-throwing ability.

RO: 我是广播俱乐部的主持人. When I was hired in 2011, the club consisted of three members. I am proud of how the students have really grown the club. We now make videos, live stream sporting events, and also make short, creative films. 这里真的有适合每个人的东西, and I am blessed to work with wonderfully talented young 人. [查看 分威克广播俱乐部YouTube频道.]

What qualities and characteristics mark a Fenwick student?
RO: I think being a student at Fenwick carries a great sense of responsibility. Being a Friar means you conduct yourself a certain way — you are a quality individual in all facets of your life. 作为一名学生, you work hard and have an appetite for knowledge; as a member of the community, you conduct yourself in a morally strong manner; and as a person of faith, 你和神的关系很好. 这就是esball世博修士的职责.

When did you decide to become a teacher, and why did you choose this field?
RO: 当我的广播事业处于十字路口时, I remember thinking that I had previously given thought to becoming a teacher. I remember teachers in high school who had a profound effect in shaping whom I became as a person. It wasn’t until years later that I realized how much of an influence they had on me. I knew that I could work with young 人 and connect with them based on experiences in my life in a way that would make the material more relevant in 他们的 lives.

What personal strengths do you find especially helpful in your teaching?
RO: I bring a [high] level of passion and enthusiasm to the classroom, 我希望它能传染给我的学生. I think with the right mindset, even the most boring lesson can become interesting. It’s really about keeping an open mind and a willingness to try new things.

RO: 毫无疑问,是学生. 和他们在我的课上学到的一样多, 我也学到了很多关于生活的东西, 人, myself and the talents that God gives each of us every day. They inspire me to work hard and do everything I can to help them learn and grow.

RO: I make all my classes and the Broadcasting Club “student-centered.“是的。 他们的 教育和 他们的 高中经历. 我是教室里最不重要的人. By empowering students to take more ownership over 他们的 learning, 他们对我们所讲的内容更感兴趣.

RO: I am so happy and humbled whenever my former students email me or stop by Fenwick to visit and share 他们的 success stories. When they tell me that something we did in class has helped them in college and beyond, 这是我能得到的最好的赞美了. It fuels me to continue to motivate and push students to be the best they can be.

What do you think is the greatest challenge facing students today?
RO: It is a lot tougher being a student in high school today than it was for me in the late ’80s. 社交媒体就像“狂野西部”,” and while I think t在这里 is plenty of merit in using social media, 有很多危险, 这些平台存在的干扰和陷阱. I also think the pressure to take difficult classes and get good grades has been intensified significantly in the years since I was that age. Our Fenwick kids are amazing in that they face these pressures and achieve great things! 他们一直让我印象深刻.

RO: I encourage class participation by making sure they know that 他们的 opinions matters! 没有人比别人更重要, and our diverse opinions on issues make for a stronger conversation. 我鼓励学生不同意我的观点, 如果他们这么想的话, because having an intellectual debate in the discourse community challenges ideas and/or reinforces existing beliefs.

你们班真的赢了吗 七个 拔河锦标赛?
RO: 是的(微笑).
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