

Meet Spanish Teacher and Fenwick alumna Marianne Palmer Carrozza ’96, 她在分威克读三年级!
MC: I grew up in Western Springs, IL, and attended public grammar and middle school. I had the opportunity to attend Fenwick and help pioneer the first class of girls. 从esball世博大学毕业后,我去了圣. 圣母大学玛丽学院. I also have my master’s in education from Dominican University [River Forest].
I fell in love with the Spanish language and culture my second semester at St. 玛丽的. I had the opportunity to study abroad in Sevilla, Spain. It was then I decided I had to share this beautiful language and culture. 当我从圣. 玛丽的, I returned to Sevilla and taught English to the Sevillanos. I lived and worked in Sevilla for about a year before returning home.

What did you do prior to becoming a teacher at Fenwick?
MC: Before Fenwick, I taught at Seton Academy in South Holland. 遗憾的是,这所学校后来关闭了. 在斯通, 我是世界语言系主任, 纪律委员会的一部分, 共同导演戏剧和音乐剧, 主持西班牙语俱乐部.
当我离开西顿时, my husband and I decided it was best for my family to stay home with our two daughters. Though I was busy being a mom, I tutored high school students; many of them were Fenwick students!
When my daughters were a little older, I filled in at St. Luke [River Forest] as a full-time substitute teacher for Spanish. Though the school is fantastic, high school teaching is my joy. The opportunity arose to return to Fenwick, and I was excited to restart my teaching career. 每天走进esball世博给了我很大的快乐.

MC: Outside the classroom, I enjoy spending time with my family. My husband and I have two daughters, one in 7th grade and the other in 3rd grade. 他们的活动让我很忙. 我也喜欢旅行。. I usually have the opportunity to travel to Spain every three to four years. 希望今年夏天我能去参观.

To what teams and/or clubs did you belong as a student?
MC: When I was a student at Fenwick, I swam and played water polo. 我是我们队的浅端守门员. 如果你仔细看数字资源室的话, t在这里 is a picture of me with the girls’ swim team and with our coaches, 佩里教练和卡连多教练.

虽然我现在不是版主, I try to attend at least one sporting event as well as the plays and musicals as well as other student events.

MC: T在这里 is something special and unique about a Fenwick student, and I can tell right away the student comes from Fenwick. Fenwick students are true Friars: Yhey are studious; they care about their work; they are kind. 他们也很有爱心和礼貌. 一旦学生从esball世博毕业, t在这里 is something that stays inside you for life -- whether it's your 凯洛 experience, 同学们, 或者是一位对你的生活产生影响的老师. We instill a drive in our students that makes us truly unique and prepared to be a positive force in the world. 一日为修士,终身为修士.

When did you decide to become a teacher, and why did you choose this field?
MC: I decided to teach because of my love of the Spanish language and culture. 我喜欢学习语言, 这句话, and different ways to pronounce words with different accents and dialects. 我也喜欢西班牙的文化和生活方式. I feel like I can spread this love and passion in the classroom to my students. 我一直很喜欢教书. As a little girl, I would make a pretend classroom in my basement. I would “correct” papers and have my students (dolls) write on the chalkboard. 

What personal strengths do you find especially helpful in your teaching?
MC: 我是一个很有条理的人. 我把每件事都计划好并写下来. 在我的教室里,没有惊喜. 一切都清晰直接.

MC: 我喜欢我所有的课. Each class gives a different element to the level of Spanish the students are learning. 例如, I love to see the Spanish 1 students making small connections with the grammar and vocabulary -- pointing out to them w在这里 they started and showing them how much they have learned. 我的大学先修课程也很棒. 整个课堂通常都是用西班牙语. 学生们都很优秀, and we have some great conversations in Spanish about well-known Hispanic authors, 画家与文化. One of my favorite moments in AP is when we study Jorge Luis Borges. 总有一个 啊哈 moment when students realize the “secret” to the story of El otro.

MC: Though I have been nominated for a few teaching accolades, 包括《esball世博》, my greatest success is when I see or reconnect with former students. Sometimes I never realize how much impact I have had in someone’s life. 学生们告诉我是因为我, 他们学习西班牙语, 或者爱上了这里的语言和文化. This gift right t在这里 brings me great joy that I can share my gift.

MC: I feel like students today have everything they need right in front of them all the time with the Internet, 手机, ipad. 一切都是即时的. 在我的教室里, I tend to be more “old fashioned” in the sense that students are to hand-write notes and homework. 我甚至鼓励学生使用纸质词典!
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